Subject: Quick Cash Injections details the methods Sara used when she first started out in Internet Marketing to generate quick cash when needed.
Sara Brown is one of the UK's top Internet Marketers. She sells on eBay at and also runs a variety of websites which can all be accessed from If you want to know more read her About Me page on eBay or subscribe to her newsletter through her websites.
After reading An Interview with Sara Brown I was intrigued by her unique income generating methods and had to know more. This led me to purchase her ebook "Quick Cash Injections." This ebook tells you how Sara generates quick cash injections when she needs them.
In the ebook Sara discusses how to:
· Get your first set of cash injections within 24-72 hours!!
· Get your second set of cash injection within 1 week!!
· Get your third set of cash injections in 2+ weeks!!
· How to generate quick cash injections with Digital Products!!
· How to generate quick cash injections with Physical Goods!!
· How to generate quick cash injections without any product!!
Ultimate Income Plan begins with Sara telling you why you need quick cash injections. As she puts it there are some of us who do not have savings and "There are often financial emergencies and unexpected bills that require a sudden cash injection to rectify." She then goes on to explain how you can generate these quick cash injections in three basic timeframes; 24-72 hours, 1 week, and 2+ weeks. She then sums up the ebook and outlines why soon it will be necessary to generate quick cash injections using the "Pensions Crisis" (where thousands of people are now facing a bleak retirement due to having ten years salary stolen from them) as an example.
As expected I found this ebook to be a very interesting read. I feel some of the methods Sara uses are very good and some are not so good. To conduct this review I will outline each cash injection below and how effective I think it is.
Sara's first cash injection is reselling ebooks on eBay. She believes that this can provide you with a quick cash injection within 24-72 hours. Whilst the actual chapter does outline some useful tips for ebook sellers (such as using a unique listing title), I have to disagree with the timeframe Sara uses. As I outline in my own ebook "How to set up a Successful, Automated, Ebook Business on eBay" the ebook market on eBay is now very competitive. Simply listing the ebook on eBay does not guarantee you a sale. I think the best method of selling ebooks on eBay is to build a large, constantly expanding, automated ebook business on eBay which requires regular promotion. To achieve this will take considerably longer than 24-72 hours and I personally would not class this method as a quick cash injection.
The next cash injection is making money from other people's mistakes. I can't go into too much detail as it will give too much away but I have to agree that this is a very good quick cash injection. When I launched "How to set up a Successful, Automated, Ebook Business on eBay" I made quite a few mistakes, some which could have potentially been very damaging to my sales. Luckily for me I had someone identify these mistakes free of charge, and all before the product was launched. However, I have learnt from this the value of checking for mistakes. The earlier they are identified, the less damaging they can be. Now as I said I can't reveal exactly how exactly you can make money from other people's mistakes but it is one of the better 24-72 hour cash injections included in Quick Cash Injections.
The third cash injection is Ebay Arbitrage. Now most Ebay Arbitrage systems I have seen involve a misspelling tool which is still an effective tool but is becoming increasingly widely used. Sara's arbitrage system involves simply buying goods off eBay and reselling them on eBay for a higher price. I can't say anymore as it will reveal exactly what she does. Sara also includes an example of the system in action with examples of real goods she has purchased and sold on eBay. This is a good cash injection with the potential for high profit margins but it does require more time than some of the other methods outlined.
Next up is the 1 week cash injections. The first involves buying and selling domain names. This is again another excellent cash injection. Sara gives plenty of good tips in this chapter on which domains should be popular and which domains may not be so popular. She also provides a great resource to get free appraisals on domain names. Although I have not personally dabbled in this area, I have seen others do it successfully so know that there is potential for high profits. Also, it can all be done without even having to leave your PC so I can again see this as being a great method to get quick cash injections.
The second 1 week cash injection involves selling disks (CDs). You don't need your own product but there are various legal guidelines you need to be aware of when embarking upon this cash injection. Sara outlines them all inside the ebook. My overall opinion on this cash injection is that although it will work I don't think it is worth the effort when compared to some of the other cash injections mentioned. This idea involves sourcing, packing, and shipping whereas for some of the other injections you don't have to leave your PC.
The next cash injection involves freelance writing. In this section Sara provides you with an excellent free resource on which contains a database of thousands of jobs for freelance writers. Most people are an expert at something so this is a cash injection worth considering. Personally, I am in two minds about this subject. On the one hand it would be great for me to be paid for writing articles similar to those that I already do. On the other hand if I did write freelance articles for others, I would not be able to use these as promotional tools like I currently do. Overall, opinion on this cash injection is likely to be divided and it all comes down to how you want to use your writing skills.
Following the previous cash injection, Sara provides two website links. The first is a website that lists goods that people don't want anymore. If you want that person's goods then they will give them to you for free. What you do with it after is up to you but this is a potentially useful cash injection. The second website is a free list of 1000 money making ideas. I have read a few of the ideas and some are very easy to set up, some not so easy. However, both these websites are a useful bonus and could easily provide quick cash injections.
After this section comes the 2+ weeks cash injections. The first of these is paid online surveys. In this section Sara outlines why you should never pay for access to surveys (to summarise companies aren't allowed to make you pay to perform market research). She then provides you with a website that gives you access to many free paid surveys. This is an invaluable link as many ebooks charge you for this very information. I personally don't rate paid surveys too highly. Although you do get paid for sitting at your PC and filling out a survey (which is simple enough) I find it quite boring. If you feel that the money outweighs the boredom or actually enjoy doing surveys then this could be a good cash injection for you to try.
The next cash injection is the car boot sale method. Again I can't say too much or I will reveal exactly what it is but this is one of my favourites in the ebook. The car boot sale method is basically a technique that Sara uses herself to get goods from a car boot at well below the price they are being sold (and no she doesn't steal them). Once aquired these goods can be sold separately on eBay or at the place where Sara herself sells them (again I can't reveal it here). Using this method Sara says that she bought some stock from a car boot for £60 and then sold it for £1,920. Although I haven't tried this method it does sound like an excellent way to generate a lot of cash for very little work.
The final cash injection is creating your own software without being an expert programmer (or even amateur programmer). Again I can't reveal how you achieve this here (it's all revealed in the ebook) but I can tell you that all you have to do is come up with the idea i.e. what function do you want the software to fulfill. Now this income stream will cost you a bit of money to set up but in my opinion the potential returns are well worth it. Out of all the methods mentioned in Quick Cash Injections I think this is one of the best and one that I am seriously considering looking into in the future.
Overall, Quick Cash Injections comes with a mix of ideas but thankfully the good outweighs the bad. I personally don't think that the ebooks with resell rights chapter would serve as a very good quick cash injection and I don't rate paid online surveys highly, but on the other hand I think the car boot method and creating your own software cash injections are some of the best money making ideas I have come across. The ebook is worth it's price for these methods alone.
· The making money from other people's mistakes cash injection can generate money within a couple of days, for very little work, without you having to leave your PC.
· The Ebay Arbitrage System with a little creative thinking can be another great quick cash injection and could even be used as a long term business.
· Buying and selling domains allows you to generate cash from the comfort of your own PC.
· The car boot sale method is a unique, easy to implement idea, which requires little time and can produce huge profit margins.
· The creating your own software cash injection can be used by anyone, and for a small initial investment, could make you a LOT of money.
· I don't think that reselling ebooks on eBay qualifies as a quick cash injection.
· Selling disks (CDs) takes a reasonable amount of time and only produces very small profit margins.
· Paid online surveys can be long, tiring, and often boring.
· The delivery system delays your access to the ebook which I found quite annoying.
At the moment I have not implemented the ideas from Quick Cash Injections. The reason for this is that I do not require any quick cash injections at the moment and also I am pursuing more long-term money making methods. However, I could definitely see myself using some of the ideas in the future, especially the creating your own software one. Next time I end up at a car boot sale (although I don't go very often) the car boot sale method will prove a nice little earner.